Monday, January 19, 2015

week 2 weigh in

In 1st place is DJ who lost 15 pounds which gives him a 6.52% of weight loss

In 2nd place is Ida who lost 18 pounds which gives her a 6.47% of weight loss

In 3rd place is Jamie who lost 12 pounds which gives her a 6.45% of weight loss

In 4th place is Mason who lost 11 pounds which gives him a 4.38% of weight loss

In 5th place is Kamie who lost 7 pounds which gives her a 3.83% of weight loss

In 6th place is Amanda who lost 7 pounds which gives her a 3.54% of weight loss

In 7th place is Myndee who lost 6 pounds which gives her a 3.16% of weight loss

In 8th place is  Jenica who lost 9 pounds which gives her a 3.02% of weight loss

In 9th place is Misty who lost 7 pounds which gives her a 2.60% of weight loss

In 10th place is Carol who lost 5 pounds which gives her a 2.56% of weight loss

In 11th place is Stephanie who lost 6 pounds which gives her a 2.33% of weight loss

In 12th place is Linda who lost 4 pounds which gives her a 2.05% of weight loss

In 13th place is Trina who lost 4 pounds which gives her a 2.00% of weight loss

In 14th place is Jen who lost 4 pounds which gives her a 1.87% of weight loss

In 15th place is Ashley who lost  3 pounds which gives her a 1.43% of weight loss

In 16th place is Lacy who lost 3 pounds which gives her a 1.11% of weight loss

In 17th place is Tifanie who lost 2 pounds which gives her a 1.04% of weight loss

In 18th place is James who lost 2 pounds which gives her a 0.77% of weight loss

In 19th place is Tricia who lost 1 pound which gives her a .070% of weight loss

In 20th place is Desteny and Kristi who didnt lose anything.

Rachel did not weigh in for the 2nd week in a row which disqualify' s her from continuing in  the challenge

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